Frequently asked questions

Our minimum order quantity (MOQ) depends on the specific product line and customization requirements. Please reach out to our sales for detailed information regarding the MOQ for the product you are interested in. We strive to accommodate orders of various sizes to meet our customers diverse needs so don’t hesitate to contact us!

We strongly recommend that our esteemed customers adhere to our minimum order quantities to mitigate associated setup costs. However, we do accommodate smaller orders upon request and strive to fulfill our customers’ specific needs.

If you are interested in placing an order for a sample, we kindly request that you reach out to our dedicated product specialists. They will be delighted to assist you in this regard and provide further guidance.


Our current production times typically range from an estimated average of 7 to 15 business days, contingent upon factors such as packaging type, order size, and the time of the year. It’s important to note that greater customization and the inclusion of additional processes in your custom packaging generally result in slightly longer production durations.

Please be aware that all dates provided are estimates and not guaranteed. Production times are subject to change without prior notice due to the dynamic nature and unpredictability of order volumes. 


It’s very easy & simple, just email us your artwork files in editable format like AI, EPS, OR PSD with minimum 300 dpi.We have our expert design team in house who can work on your designs efficiently to layout the artwork and can work on your design absolutely Free (Once the order is secured). So we will work on the final layouts and send it you for approval.


Sure. We offer free samples to our esteemed customers, but we do not cover the shipping cost.

Frequently asked questions

Check out our frequently asked questions

Any Questions

Normally we make samples for you to confirm everything, and production will be same as samples. 

Absolutely! We take pride in ensuring that all our paper-based packaging solutions are entirely recyclable. If you are seeking more sustainable alternatives for your packaging needs, we encourage you to consult with our knowledgeable product specialists. They will provide expert guidance and assistance in exploring environmentally friendly options that align with your requirements.

We always pack our products with Kraft paper and packing bundles for corrugated boxes, and with a master carton for rigid gift boxes and printed paper products. If you have any customized packaging requirements, please let us know in advance and we will do our best to meet your demands.

Yes, we offer service to many customers all across the world.

Ready to get started?

Custom your package from here!