custom packaging design


In the world of custom packaging design, creating an attractive and influential impression is paramount. Your packaging should not only serve the purpose of protecting your products but also convey your brand’s identity and message to consumers. But how do you design custom packaging that exudes a futuristic feel, particularly through the use of fonts? The good news is that you don’t need a degree in rocket science to make your custom boxes visually appealing and captivating. By harnessing the potential of minimalist aesthetics, sans-serif fonts, and unique geometric shapes, you can create custom packaging design that not only catches the eye but also leaves a lasting impression on your target audience.

In this article, we’ll explore seven cutting-edge fonts that can transform your custom packaging design into a futuristic masterpiece:

Blanka: A Vision of Futurity

Blending aesthetics and minimalism, Blanka stands as a font that embodies the essence of futurism. Designed by the graphic artist Emmeran Richard, this font exudes an unconventional, sleek, and captivating vibe. When employed in your packaging design, Blanka becomes a powerful tool for attracting customers to your brand. The best part? It’s free for both commercial and personal use.

Ailerons: Elevating Elegance

Ailerons, a font style crafted by Adelson Gonzales, is a testament to sophistication. It conjures a sense of tall letterforms that lend an air of distinction to your packaging. These elongated characters contribute to a premium and unique appearance. While personal use is free, commercial application requires permission from the artist.

Elianto: Geometry Meets Elegance

Elianto, designed by Emanuele Papale, is a font that fuses geometric shapes with aesthetics. The letter ‘A’ resembles a triangle, and ‘O’ features an additional dot inside it. The absence of traditional lines in the letters allows this font to present a straight and geometric appearance. Elianto is generously available for both commercial and personal use.

Exan-3: Retro Futurism

Exan-3 is a font frequently employed in custom packaging design to add an alluring touch to custom boxes. This monospaced font offers a blend of retro and modern appeal, characterized by curved and straight lines. By incorporating angular and round corners, Exan-3 provides a unique visual identity to your products and packaging. This monospaced design can enhance the beauty of your boxes and elevate the overall perception of your products.

Stellar: Minimalistic Charm

Stellar, designed by Mathieu Desjardins, is a minimalist font that radiates sophistication. It transforms your products into objects of aesthetic desire, influencing potential customers. In fact, a survey revealed that a staggering 72% of customers consider attractive packaging when making purchasing decisions. Stellar stands out as a beautifully designed font available in approximately 33 languages, and it’s free for both commercial and personal use.

DUAL: The Versatile Futuristic Font

DUAL, designed by Charles Daoud, draws inspiration from Proxima Nova, Gotham, and Neue Haas. Its straight lines, 90-degree angles, and full-width, geometric design provide a complex yet minimalist appearance. With 10 stylistic sets and 251 alternate glyphs, DUAL offers remarkable flexibility. It’s suitable for use in both North and South America and can be employed for free in its basic version. However, an enhanced, paid version is available starting from $19.16.

Riviera: Melding Retro and Sci-Fi

Riviera, designed by Johann Dacel, is an imaginative font style that infuses organic curves with geometric properties. The font’s detailed lines and heavy strokes create a captivating blend of retro and sci-fi aesthetics. Like its counterparts, Riviera is available for both commercial and personal use.

In Conclusion: The Power of Futuristic Fonts For Custom Packaging Design

These fonts are unique and eye-catching, making them ideal for custom packaging design. By employing these fonts in your packaging design, you can create a futuristic and alluring look that attracts customers and drives business growth. Don’t underestimate the influence of fonts in captivating your target audience. For businesses seeking to infuse a futuristic feel into their products, these fonts provide the perfect solution. For a seamless application of these fonts on your packaging boxes, consider reaching out to a reputable packaging manufacturer like Emenac Packaging USA. They can help you turn your vision of futuristic packaging into a reality, making your products stand out in the market.